"Ministry 2 ministry"


To provide a networking and relationship based structure to which ministers and churches can choose to belong.

This will provide a refreshing sense of belonging, security, mutual support, encouragement, training and inspiration. as well as providing greater strength in the eyes of, and recognition by the Community, Local Authorities, Government Authorities and other Organisations.



Connexions International Ltd was formally established in October 2008 when the Directors prayerfully determined to take the former Australian Fellowship of Faith Churches and Minsters International (AFFCMI) into a new stage of development. We felt that it was important to the membership of our fellowship and network to revitalise and renew the direction and focus in which we are headed, and thus, with a new board of Directors and a refreshed outlook, Connexions International was born.


Being involved in providing a Christian networking organisation and programmes which help build the local church

Providing training, fellowship, encouragement and inspiration which will help develop ministers and leaders more effectively to carry out the work of the ministry at the local level without interference or control.

Encouraging relationship and mutual support between our members.

Providing visiting ministry from the Directors or members as invited by individual churches or ministers.

Arranging regular regional gatherings/seminars for our members to build relationship and to provide any input requested.


Ps Dallas Hobbs

Executive Director

Ps Dallas has been a director of Connexions since 2008 and has been the Senior Pastor of Bundaberg Living Word since 1995.   

He has a passion for people to be saved, delivered and set free.  He loves to encourage people to reach their full potential and calling of God in their local church and ministry.

Rev Lyn Follett


Ps Lyn is a director of Connexions as well as Pastoring her own church ‘Living Waters Hope Central’.
Living Waters was birthed in 1988 where Lyn ministered alongside her late husband Barry.

  Lyn has a big vision and a great burden for the people of the NSW Central Coast.
Since their beginning, they have seen countless lives transformed, connections made,
and influence increase all over the globe. With each new step, another leap of faith has been required.

Ps Gary Brown


Ps Gary has been a director of Connexions for several years, and is also Senior Pastor of Yass Vine Church since 2003.

He is also the CEO of Vine Community Care, an outreach of Vine Church, serving the community through various activities including Vine Community Foodcare.  Together with his wife, Ps Raylene, Gary has served the church and the community with a passion to see people saved, and grow in their walk with Jesus.